Once Upon A Time is a circus theatre production conceived of by Sarah Whillier in 2015. It interweaves the narratives of three distinct fairy tales into one immersive, exciting, funny circus show, suitable for all. Originally scheduled for performance in 2015, the production is currently on hiatus. Stay tuned, Once Upon A Time will have […]
Tag Archives: Circus
“Fleeing from bureaucratic, grey-suited Athens, dapper and cunning Pisthetaerus and his sidekick Euelpides travel to the court of Tereus, the Prince of the Birds, in the hope of finding a better life there. All is not quite as they expected however: the court is a cabaret, its courtiers dancers and fish-netted flappers, and the Prince […]
Orpheus is a circus theatre retelling of the Ancient Greek myth Orpheus in the underworld. On the day of their wedding, Orpheus and his bride Eurydice are separated by death, and he journeys to the underworld to win her back from Hades, the god of death. With the help of Hermes, god of travellers, he meets […]
Sarah is a trained aerialist specialising in silks/tissu, with experience also in static trapeze and lyra/aerial ring. She started training in Australia in 2009 and continued in the U.K. with All or Nothing Aerial Dance in 2013/14, and the European Aerial Dance Festival in 2014. Her largest aerial audience was for a comic striptease as […]